
My story

Les aventures de Fleur autour du monde ».. Fleur est une adorable petite fille, sage comme une image qui adore voyager. Elle apprend la cuisine à Paris, découvre le ballet à Saint-Petersbourg, apprend l’origine de son prénom en Italie. Elle ferme les yeux, suit son cerf-volant jusqu’au Liban, traverse l’Espagne, l’Ecosse et rentre finalement à Londres, la ville qu’elle aime par dessus tout. Les voyages réels ou imaginaires de Fleur ne sont ils pas la recherche des ses origines? Née d’une famille incroyablement riche de cultures différentes, Fleur voyage dans l’amour de cette famille, captivée par son grand frère et fascinée par sa maman. Le style très poétique de Françoise de Chambord nous transporte de ville en ville et nous attache à cette petite Fleur dont chaque pétale raconte une histoire “.

Catherine Kotlarevsky


my story
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Fleur quickly jumped into bed and under the soft blanket, hugging her teddy unicorn toy, and waited. Earlier they had bought a book from the small shop on the corner of the street. It had been written by their beloved author. Carefully they opened together a story which began with a storm raging between the sea and the sky.

Lightning set the sky on fire and filled the storm clouds with a rumbling deep thunder. When the storm was over just one solitary star was in the sky and from deep within a coniferous forest the star captured the gaze of seven wise men watching from atop an ancient castle..”

girl with laptop

Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book 1
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book I (audiobook) Russian version
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book II. What stars may come
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book II. What stars may come (Audiobook)
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book II. Sketchbook
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book III. English version
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book III. Sketchbook
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world

Book III. Postcards
Price: 4 euro
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Young Fleur’s adventures around the world.

Book V. Traveling through inherited marina art collections.
will appear in August 2024

Young Fleur’s adventures around the world.

Book VI. Magic of investing or beginner’s guide for teens.
will appear in August 2024
magic unicorn
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girl goes to store


Young Fleur’s adventures
around the world

“I was looking forward to my first meeting with this city. My mother lived in Paris for a long time and said: “I will forever leave a piece of my heart there”. I didn’t quite understand what she meant, but I had high expectations.

A small red trench coat, black shiny shoes, white cotton tights and a black velvet hairband. This is what I remember from the children’s books that mummy and I read every night before going to bed. The book is about a little girl’s adventures. They are funny, easy and teach you a lot…”


“I was surprised to learn that the English Channel is the famous stretch of water between the coasts of France and England.

The word La Manche or English Channel means “sleeve” in French and it has been called this since the 17th century. It seemed strange to me travelling under water in a tunnel, but soon we saw the sun’s rays and very soon… we were in Paris..…”

girl with phone

Mental Health and Sport

“Simply say that the place where your greatest anxiety lies is also the place where your greatest potential lives. The beliefs that you have had since childhood, the feelings that devastate you, the projects that make you worry, your talents that the insecure part of you resists – this is precisely where you have to go. By entering the very state that scares you, through awareness of the moment, meditation, breathing and strength exercises, organizing your time, starting at dawn, you regain forgotten strength.

This is my style of living. And I, Fleur, invite you to my world.”
